Pathorghata Ancient city Archaeological site

patharghata archaeologicalsite bank of river tulshiganga
patharghata archaeological site

Patharghata   Located at Panchbibi Upazila. It's situated bank of the river Tulsiganga, traces of the ruins of this ancient City found on both banks of the Tulsiganga river. The City originated in second century CE. During the construction of catholic missions archaeological sites have been found in various mounds and numerous artefacts mission Kasiaghar Kusumba Gangaria there have many Mounds Brahigram Nimai shahs shrine Badar Kadam santal para.  

patharghata tulsiganga river ancient city archaeological sites
patharghata archaeological sites

patharghata ancient city archaeological site tulshiganga river
patharghata archaeological sites

patharghata ancient city archaeological site tulshiganga river
patharghata archaeological sites


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